
7 important steps in an ecommerce website development project

Posted by admin | Feb 23, 2024

Introduction to E-Commerce Website Development Projects 

E-commerce website development is the process of building and designing an e-commerce website where consumers can purchase products online. Because they are so popular with consumers, developing an e-commerce website can help you generate more conversions and revenue for your business.

These are reasons why e-commerce web development is essential for your business:

  • It sets the first impression
  • It helps user experience
  • It can aid your SEO strategy
  • It can help you stand out from the competition 
  • Research and Planning Phase for a Successful E-commerce Website Development 



Safety First

Its good to pay attention and importance to the online store security. Unlike a brick-and-mortar where your property is lost to robbery, you’ll lose something more damaging in the digital world, which is customers’ trust. 


Recently, protocols and paper works aren’t priority but don’t let others bother you when the store is busily taking off. You need to register your brand new store to Google for it to be featured on the Search Engine Result Pages. 

Plan For Optimization

Optimization is a continuous action that affects any part of your e-Commerce website, from the backend to the frontend. So instead of what most merchants think that optimization only happens after the execution and testing.

Room For SEO

While deciding to transfer your business to a virtual address, we might predict a greater chance of attracting visitors, leads, and ultimately customers, uncertainly it’s a slow process. 

Assign A Technical Project Manager

If you have little experience with technical things, you should let someone capable on your side communicate with the agency. 

Choose the right E-Commerce Website Development Platform

The right e-commerce platform is a software suite that helps to build your e-commerce store to avail products and make transactions. Choosing the right e-commerce platform is vital to any online business as it is the basic foundation. While the requirement for both is different, hosted platforms are usually preferred as they usually consist of full-features websites and maintenance plans. This minimizes the error and makes website management much easier.

Even then, there are many e-commerce development platforms to choose from, the most popular include Hybris, Magento, WooCommerce, or Shopify.

Below are a list of things to consider:

ERP, CRM, Database compatibility and integration:

If you have preexisting systems and a database for which your are extending online, it’s important to ascertain knowing the compatibility of the platform and integrate them. Shifting all the data online you have built up over the years, or are working concurrently to the new system. To avoid downtime and easy integration during transition, choose a compatible platform. 

Scope for e-commerce website customization:-

Even full-feature platforms like Magent with set features which may not suit the business needs, or you may have requirement for additional capabilities in your webstore. Each business has different requirements, and it’s important for the platform to support. 

Payment gateway integration:-

The prior challenge faced by e-commerce business in India is the discomfort in online payments. So it is vital to include traditional payment options, such as cash on delivery, along with regular payment options. It has now also become necessary to provide the option of payment wallets linking. 

Robust backend:-

A good online commerce webstore is supported by a robust backend for an organized and easy-to-use admin experience. A high quality platform will provide several admin features such as multiple admin logins, easy changes in inventory, taking stock of orders, and so on.

Mobile-friendly, or responsive e-commerce:-

Studies have shown that people are spending more on the mobile phones. While some businesses do choose to build apps to cater to this growing demand, app development requires an investment of time and money. So responsive e-commerce websites, suitable for viewing on mobile phones, are a great option.


Design and Wireframing in an E-commerce Website Development Project

An e-commerce website wireframe allows to visualize the layout of the online store’s important pages. The e-commerce wireframe is a crucial step in building an online store since it helps to visualize the basic blueprint of your site earlier in the design process itself. This ensures that the final version of the website will be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and effective from a user journey perspective.

It’s never easy to build an online store from scratch. But with the proper tools and support, the process becomes easier and faster. Our e-commerce wireframe templates we have is targeted to help you to create the key pages for your site and includes the following types of templates: Home, Shop, Product, Cart, Shipping and Payment.

A refined homepage template will help your online store unique. Category pages can organize your products clearly and efficiently, making site navigation easier for your users. Good website architecture requires multi-layered page types that reflect your industry insight and long term business plan. Our ecommerce sitemap template can help your team build out that structure to meet your business needs.


Development and Implementation in an Ecommerce Website Development Project 

The common mistakes in the development and implementation in an e-commerce website development are not having a clear product vision, launching quickly, sufficient market research not done and inefficient marketing plan.

Before you launch your product, it's important to start with a clear goal, do your research and understand your target audience. Your marketing plan should include a clear message, a targetted audience and a plan for reaching them. Decide which marketing channels you’re going to employ, such as social media, email marketing, or paid advertising. Before you launch your product, you need to build excitement and anticipation among your target audience. Once the product is launched, it's important to track the results.

There are many ways to measure the success of a product launch strategy. Here are a few of the most important tracking metrics: Product awareness, lead generation, sales, customer satisfaction and ROI.


Testing and Quality Assurance in an E-commerce Website Development Project 

Proceeding the website development, the next vital step is e-commerce website testing. Testing with usability, customer convenience, bug checks is vital to ensure a good shopping experience. Testing is usually carried out in various browsers, various platforms and various devices. Website testing can be manual or automated or both.

The importance of testing is known during slow-loading websites, poor navigation, broken links and bugs, ending in loss for e-commerce websites and customer dissatisfaction.


E-Commerce Website Testing Process Check List:

  • The customer flow
  • Security
  • Performance and discoverability


Launch and Post-Launch Activities in an E-commerce Website Development Project

Looking after your customers during launch and post-launch is just as important as any other part of the campaign. It's also a crucial time to organize traffic and create more revenue. 

Customize emails to handle new and old customers

Send relevant emails to new and old customers at the right time once the demand from the launch has lowered. Email marketing is a great way to abide customers who may be on the edge about buying your new product and need a little more convince before heading to another one. These campaigns may be a simple trick to grab their attention if their past purchases are similar to your new product. 


Post-launch email campaigns can be put on autopilot with the right tools. Can plan to send automated, personalized campaigns to customers post-launch based on previous purchases. In case a customer has visited your website just to have a look but dint have any idea to buy. We can target on their interests and make an automation to make them buy after a period.


The Internet has become a major resource in modern business, thus electronic shopping has gained significance not only from the entrepreneur’s but also from the customer’s point of view. For the entrepreneur, electronic shopping generates new business opportunities and for the customer, it makes comparative shopping possible. 

A good shopping cart design must be accompanied with user-friendly shopping cart application logic. This project helps in understanding the creation of an interactive web page and the technologies used to implement it.