
The IIoT, or Industrial Internet of Things, represents a new way to bring data from previously inaccessible data streams into a more complete view of a business.

The Industrial IoT :Enabling teams to make intelligent business decisions

The IIoT, or Industrial Internet of Things, represents a new way to bring data from previously inaccessible data streams into a more complete view of a business. The Internet of Things generally refers to devices which were historically not connected to the internet, but now are – for example wearables, smart TVs, and security cameras. The Industrial Internet of Things (the IIoT) more specifically refers to industrial devices that are now equipped with the capabilities to send data to HMI and SCADA systems or the cloud. These “smart” devices may include things like connected sensors, valves, switches, or field devices that connect to the network.

The barriers to adopting IIoT technology have fallen dramatically in the past decade. Historical challenges to implementing IIoT solutions included expensive components to add network connectivity, difficulty aggregating data from disparate data streams, and lack of a centralized database or dashboard.Enterprise IIoTutilize predictivemaintenance to reduce downtimeand usable technology to enhance worker safety. Now these barriers are mostly gone, thanks to improvements in technology and a focus from software providers on creating platform agnostic solutions for reading and writing data.

The value of the IIoT

The key value of an IIoT architecture is the context it provides data. By aggregating data streams into a single source of truth, it’s possible to analyze and understand data and make actionable decisions.

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Our AI development solutions in Chennai , India for IIoT devices are designed to not only collect and share data, but also to analyse it, gain knowledge from mistakes, make decisions, and take appropriate steps without the need for human intervention. Use our top AI expertise in Chennai , India to make your IIoT devices sophisticated and future-ready.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is IoT and how does it work?

How can IoT benefit my business?

What types of IoT solutions does your company provide?

How secure is IoT data and communication?

Can your IoT solutions integrate with existing systems and platforms?

How can I get started with implementing IoT for my business?

What sets your company apart in the IoT industry?